American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medical Opthalmology

Han-Wen Cheng DVM, MS; Allison Faber Marshall DVM


The eyes are the bridge between Zang-Fu organs and the outside world. They connect with all meridians/channels of the body either directly or indirectly to form the eye unit. The close association of eye function with the Zang-Fu organs allows diagnosis of organ dysfunction through abnormal ocular clinical signs as well as specific lesion location on the eyes using the theories of Five Spheres, Eight Boundaries and Six Channels. This combined with diagnosis of body imbalance can greatly aid in the TCVM treatment of eye disorders. The extraordinary vessels, which include the Governing and Conception Vessels, Yin and Yang Qiao Mai and Yang Linking Vessel also connect to the eye unit and play a role in regulation of Yang and Yin Qi in the eyes. Internal and External pathogenic factors affect the entire body system which can manifest as ocular disease. By using the presenting ocular clinical signs and their association with particular channels and Zang-Fu organs, and discerning the overall TCVM pattern of imbalance in the body, practitioners are provided with a strong and effective approach to treating eye disorders with TCVM.

Cheng H, Marshall A. Traditional Chinese veterinary medical ophthalmology. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2016; 11(2):53-62

Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medical Opthalmology

Han-Wen Cheng DVM, MS; Allison Faber Marshall DVM

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