American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Treatment of 220 Cases of Bovine Ovarian Inactivity and 209 Cases of Bovine Persistent Corpus Luteum with Cu Yun Guan Zhu Ye

Dalu Song DVM; Jingbing Song DVM; Yuanliang Hu DVM, PhD; Baokang Zhang DVM; Liuliang Zhang DVM; Guangliang Cao DVM; Hongxing Wu DVM; Bin Yang DVM; Deyun Wang DVM, PhD


Ovarian inactivity and persistent corpus luteum are common causes of bovine infertility and result in huge economic losses in the dairy industry. Cu Yun Guan Zhu Ye consists of 40% Yi Mu Cao (Leonurus), 40% Yin Yang Huo (Epimedium) and 20% Hong Hua (Carthamus), and is a patented veterinary Chinese herbal medicine, recorded in the Veterinary Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China. The objective of this case series was to evaluate the effectiveness of 1-3 intra-uterine infusions of sterile Cu Yun Guan Zhu Ye to promote estrus and pregnancy in cows with infertility due to inactive ovaries or persistent corpus luteum. There were 220 cows with ovarian inactivity and 209 cases of persistent corpus luteum from 12 different dairy farms over a 5-year period included in the study. Cu Yun Guan Zhu Ye appeared to be equally effective to produce estrus in cows with ovarian inactivity (93.2%) and persistent corpus luteum (96.7%), usually requiring only 1 intrauterine infusion (76.4% for ovarian inactivity and 82.3% for persistent corpus luteum). Estrus occurred in a mean of 16.6±6.1 and 16.9±6.1 days in cows with ovarian inactivity and persistent corpus luteum respectively. Pregnancy was achieved within 1-3 estrus cycles in 84.9% and 73.8% of cows with inactive ovaries and persistent corpus luteum respectively. Cu Yun Guan Zhu Ye uterine infusion was convenient to use, inexpensive and reliably promoted fertility with no side effects in the current study of 429 cows. Cu Yun Guan Zhu Ye may provide a safe alternative to hormone therapy.

Song D, Song J, Hu Y, et al. Treatment of 220 cases of bovine ovarian inactivity and 209 cases of bovine persistent corpus luteum with Cu Yun Guan Zhu Ye. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2014; 9(1):77-82

Treatment of 220 Cases of Bovine Ovarian Inactivity and 209 Cases of Bovine Persistent Corpus Luteum with Cu Yun Guan Zhu Ye

Dalu Song DVM; Jingbing Song DVM; Yuanliang Hu DVM, PhD; Baokang Zhang DVM; Liuliang Zhang DVM; Guangliang Cao DVM; Hongxing Wu DVM; Bin Yang DVM; Deyun Wang DVM, PhD

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