American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Treatment of 15 Cases of Coxofemoral Luxation with Tui-na Massage Manipulation and Cahyono’s Modified Figure-8 Bandage

Tatang Cahyono DVM, MS


Coxofemoral (CF) luxation may be caused by hip dysplasia, degenerative joint disease or external trauma and is diagnosed by palpation and radiography. When there are no complicating factors, most simple luxations can be reduced closed if they are treated within the first 4 to 5 days after the injury. Failure rates of 47% to 65% have been reported for single attempts at closed reduction and the presence of degenerative joint disease or hip dysplasia can significantly lower the chance of success even further. If closed reduction is unsuccessful, surgeries such as femoral head osteotomy (FHO) or total hip replacement (THR) may be recommended. Not all patients are candidates for surgery due to concurrent illness, age or caretaker financial constraints. Tui-na manipulation and Cahyono’s modified figure-8 bandage was instituted as an alternative treatment for CF luxation over a 6 month period at the author’s clinic. A total of 15 clinic cases underwent the alternative treatment. Recovery time using this treatment method had a mean of 3.5 days (3.5 + 4.57) with an 80% success rate.

Cahyono T. Treatment of 15 cases of coxofemoral luxation with Tui-Na massage manipulation and Cahyono’s modified Figure-8 bandage. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2017; 12(2):85-92

Treatment of 15 Cases of Coxofemoral Luxation with Tui-na Massage Manipulation and Cahyono’s Modified Figure-8 Bandage

Tatang Cahyono DVM, MS

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