American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment of Acquired Infertility in Female Horses and Dogs

Xiuhui Zhong DVM, PhD; Yantao Zhao DVM, PhD


Acquired female infertility from a traditional Chinese veterinary medical (TCVM) perspective can be associated with Deficiency or Excess patterns. There are 6 patterns of acquired female infertility commonly diagnosed in TCVM practice. The 6 patterns are: 1) Kidney Qi and Blood Deficiency, 2) Kidney Yin Deficiency, 3) Kidney Yang Deficiency or Cold uterus, 4) Excess Phlegm and Damp, 5) Liver Qi and Blood Stagnation and 6) Damp-Heat. Malnutrition or over-working can result in infertility from Kidney Qi and Blood Deficiency or Kidney Yin Deficiency. Obesity will cause Stagnation in the uterus with an Excess of Phlegm and Damp, making it impossible for oocytes to be released or connect with sperm. Cold Deficiency of the uterus or Kidney Yang Deficiency will damage the Chong Channel and the Conception Vessel (Ren Channel) and lead to infertility. Stagnant Qi and Blood in the Liver can impair uterine reproductive function and lead to infertility. Damp-Heat flows downward to the uterus and infertility results. Each pattern has characteristic findings on the TCVM examination, may require treatment of different acupoints and most importantly require different Chinese herbal medicines. Administering the incorrect Chinese herbal medicine could worsen the problems and harm the animal. Thus, when diagnosing infertility, one should attempt to identify the correct pattern, so that proper treatment can be administered. The pathogenesis, clinical signs, treatment principles, acupuncture points and Chinese herbal medicines are described for each pattern. Infertility due to congenital defects and aging are not discussed.

Zhong X, Zhao Y. Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine diagnosis and treatment of acquired infertility in female horses and dogs. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2014; 9(1):95-100. https://doi.org/10.59565/ACNX7254

Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment of Acquired Infertility in Female Horses and Dogs

Xiuhui Zhong DVM, PhD; Yantao Zhao DVM, PhD

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