American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


The Nine Schools of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Practical Application of Their Treatment Methods in Veterinary Medicine

Huisheng Xie DVM, MS, PhD


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has had a broad range of teachings which have been predominately taught in 9 schools since its origins nearly 2000 years ago. The Cold Damage School was the first school founded in 150-219 CE. Following this, 4 more schools (Cooling School, Pathogen Attacking School, Spleen-Stomach School, Yin-Tonic School) were established during the Jin-Yuan Period (1115-1368 CE). The final schools established were during the Ming-Qing Dynasties (1368-1912 CE) and included the Warming Tonic School, School of Warm Diseases, Fire-spirit/Yang Warming School and Integrative School of Chinese and Western Medicine. Historically, varying geographic locations, cultural regions, environments and eras influenced the development and foundations of each of these schools. The treatment methods taught by these schools have been used in the practice of veterinary medicine and can be applied to current veterinary clinical practice. Practical application to current veterinary practice can be accomplished by grouping treatment approach which includes 2 to 4 TCM schools with complimentary teachings into 7 categories: Epidemic/Infectious/Inflammatory Diseases; Cold/Damp Environment and/or Diets; Hot/Dry Environment and/or Diets; Geriatric/Chronic Diseases; Multiple Diseases; Spring/Summer Season and/or Fire/Wood Constitution; Winter Season and/or Earth/Water Constitution. This paper introduces why these different schools were developed and focuses on application of these treatment principles to current veterinary practice for dogs, cats and horses through case examples.

Xie H. The nine schools of traditional Chinese medicine and practical application of their treatment methods in veterinary medicine. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2018; 13(1):79-93

The Nine Schools of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Practical Application of Their Treatment Methods in Veterinary Medicine

Huisheng Xie DVM, MS, PhD

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