American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

Tai Chi and Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

Bill Smith


Tai Chi, Tai Chi Chuan, or Tai Ji Quan is part of the unique physical culture of China. Like Qi Gong, as classical movement forms, Tai Chi arises out of the internal school of Chinese martial arts. Through the spread of Chinese culture many people found value in Tai Chi’s slow, rhythmic movements. Tai Chi and Qigong are commonly viewed as health arts with meditative and martial aspects. Perhaps a good modern definition of Tai Chi and Qigong would be to call them “psychophysical movement disciplines where mind, body and spirit work together for the development of one’s greatest potential.” The principles in action (Song, Ting, Dong) and theoretical aspects are discussed.

Smith B. Tai Chi and traditional Chinese veterinary medicine. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2008; 3(1):75-76

Tai Chi and Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

Bill Smith

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