American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

Successful Medical Management of Neurological Disease in Three Dogs Treated with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine

Sheila Handojo DVM; Jasmine Tan Kia Ming BSc, BVMS; Zita Orisa Okarina DVM


Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM) including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, food therapy and Tui-na is focused on providing a unique group of strategies for therapy of neurological disorders. Recent studies have looked at improved treatment of neurological disease by optimizing strategies using traditional Chinese veterinary medicine versus the sole use of conventional treatments. In this case series, successful management of brain and spinal cord disease with acupuncture as the sole treatment or acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine combined is documented in 3 dogs.

Handojo S, Ming J, Okarina Z. Successful medical management of neurological disease in three dogs treated with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2021; 16(1): 51-60. DOI: 10.59565/001c.84321

Successful Medical Management of Neurological Disease in Three Dogs Treated with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine

Sheila Handojo DVM; Jasmine Tan Kia Ming BSc, BVMS; Zita Orisa Okarina DVM

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