American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Novel Equine Fetlock Points: Symmetry, Balance and New Acupoint Couplings

Bruce Ferguson DVM, MS


Transpositional placement of equine acupoints based upon human anatomy is taught in traditional Chinese veterinary medicine training programs throughout the world. There seems to be good evidence for such acupuncture point (acupoint) assignment on the axial and proximal appendicular body of horses. Distal acupoints in the feet, by contrast, are commonly described in anatomical positions that do not take into consideration the unique anatomy and function of the distal equine limb. The metacarpal-phalangeal joint (fetlock) is an area where Qi is concentrated. At least 2 clinically useful acupoints can be found each on the cranio-lateral and caudo-lateral and cranio-medial and caudo-medial thoracic and pelvic limbs, on either side of the suspensory ligament, proximal to the joint. Varying combinations of these 8 bilateral acupoints may also be used for Balancing Channels when treating multi-Channel pathology. Further, the fetlock acupoints may couple to open the Extraordinary Vessels better than transposed acupoints from humans. Lastly, the new proposed fetlock acupoints may also be a new form of a Yuan (Source) points.

Ferguson B. Novel equine fetlock points: Symmetry, balance and new acupoint couplings. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2014; 9(2):81-89. https://doi.org/10.59565/EJGC5750

Novel Equine Fetlock Points: Symmetry, Balance and New Acupoint Couplings

Bruce Ferguson DVM, MS

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