American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Historical Review of the Origins of the Nine Different Schools of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Huisheng Xie DVM, MS, PhD


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has had a broad range of teachings which have been predominately taught in 9 schools since its origins nearly 2000 years ago. The first school which was founded by Zhang Zhongjing 150-219 CE was the earliest to establish and use a Pattern-identification system for disease treatment in TCM which was particularly important when treating exogenous or febrile diseases after invasion of a pathogen. The teachings of this school predominated until the Jin- Yuan Period (1115-1368 CE) when 4 new schools, the Cooling School, the Pathogen-attacking School, The Spleen-Stomach School and the Yin-tonic School were established. The first 2 schools enhanced treatment of Excess Pathogens while the second 2 schools extended treatment for Deficiencies. The final 4 schools were established during the Ming-Qing Dynasties (1368-1912 CE) and included the Warming Tonic School, the School of Warm Diseases, the Fire-Spirit/Yang Warming School and the Integrative School of Chinese and Western Medicine. The Warming Tonic School extended treatment for Deficiency while the School of Warm Diseases improved treatment of epidemic diseases with which the initial signs are fever (Excess Heat). The Fire-Spirit School aimed for the early treatment of Yang Collapse. The Integrative School was founded by a group of well-known physicians in the Qing Dynasty who combined Western Medicine which was brought to China in the 16th century with Chinese Medicine which became known as Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Xie H. Historical review of the origins of the nine different schools of traditional Chinese medicine. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2017; 12(2):59-75

Historical Review of the Origins of the Nine Different Schools of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Huisheng Xie DVM, MS, PhD

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