American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Development and Validation of a Questionnaire for Assessment of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Five Element Personality of Companion Canines

Sandra Truli Springer VMD, MS


The objective of this study was to explore whether companion canine traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM) Five Element personality type (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) could be determined by a questionnaire and in agreement with a TCVM clinician. The study designed an experimental questionnaire which used word association with 25 descriptive personality adjectives (Canine Five Element Personality Questionnaire) to identify a dog‟s Five Element personality type. The questionnaire was given to dog owners or an individual very familiar with the dog to fill out while waiting for a veterinary appointment. Questionnaire accuracy was evaluated and its significance assessed by correlation of its results to a Five Element personality diagnosis given by a TCVM clinician. Results from the study demonstrated that the experimental questionnaire when compared to an experienced TCVM clinician‟s assessment matched 50 out of 89 dogs. This was a 2-fold greater correlation (56.2%, range: 42.9-65% for each Element) than chance association (20%, p=6.14×10-14). This study concludes a personality questionnaire may be a useful tool to help determine Five Element personality types in companion canines.

Springer S. Development and validation of a questionnaire for assessment of traditional Chinese veterinary medicine Five Element personality of companion canines. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2020; 15(1):11-22

Development and Validation of a Questionnaire for Assessment of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Five Element Personality of Companion Canines

Sandra Truli Springer VMD, MS

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