American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Chinese Herbal Medicine for Dogs with Complete Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture: 181 cases

Jiu J Wen DVM, MS; Karen Johnston DVM; Dominic Gucciardo DVM


The efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine for complete cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) was evaluated in 181 dogs (77 females and 104 males). Diagnosis of CCLR was confirmed by physical examination and radiographs. Dogs were given a novel Chinese herbal formula, HipGuard, and monitored for lameness, pain and resolution of cranial drawer sign. Age, gender, body weight, breed, treatment duration prior to herbal treatment, need for long term herbal treatment and concurrent hip dysplasia were compared between the surgical and non-surgical categories. Out of the 181 dogs presented, 166 (91.7%) animals had good to excellent response to herbal formula treatment (responding group). Fifteen dogs (8.3%) did not respond to herbal treatment and required surgery (non-responding group). The average healing time (pain free, no lameness, no cranial draw sign, owner satisfaction) for the responding group (non-surgical) was 4.7 months with average follow up time after starting herbal treatment of 2.5 years. Based on the data collected, overweight dogs and/or dogs with longer pretreatment duration prior to herbal supplementation were more likely to require long term herbal treatment. Younger dogs (<4yrs old) have a higher risk of requiring surgery and Labrador Retrievers were over represented in the non-responding group. Dogs were closely monitored with physical exams, owner evaluation and blood work with results demonstrating Hipguard was safe for long term use and is an effective alternative treatment to conventional therapy for dogs with CCL disease.

Wen J, Johnston K, Gucciardo D. Chinese herbal medicine for dogs with complete cranial cruciate ligament rupture: 181 cases. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2016; 11(1):41-48

Chinese Herbal Medicine for Dogs with Complete Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture: 181 cases

Jiu J Wen DVM, MS; Karen Johnston DVM; Dominic Gucciardo DVM

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