American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Can Successful Behavior Modification Be Accomplished Through Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Treatment?

Aituan Ma DVM, MS, PhD; Huisheng Xie DVM, MS, PhD


Behavioral problems can be a big challenge in veterinary practice. They include a host of undesirable behaviors that are commonly resistant to treatment or only respond to potent behavior modification pharmaceuticals which have a variety of adverse effects. In traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM), behavior problems are considered as Shen (or Mind) disturbance(s) and have 4 primary TCVM Patterns. This paper will discuss how to make a TCVM Pattern diagnosis and selection of a detailed acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine treatment for each pattern. Clinical case studies and evidence-based research on behavior modification associated with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine will also be presented.

Ma A, Xie H. Can successful behavior modification be accomplished through traditional Chinese veterinary medicine treatment? Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2020; 15(2):61-66

Can Successful Behavior Modification Be Accomplished Through Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Treatment?

Aituan Ma DVM, MS, PhD; Huisheng Xie DVM, MS, PhD

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