American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Bai He Gu Jin Tang (Lily Bulb Decoction to Preserve the Metal): A Chinese Herbal Medication for the Metal Element

Signe Beebe


Bai He Gu Jin Tang is one of the most commonly used herbal formulas to treat dry chronic cough from Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiencies. Deficiency of these two organs can develop from internal causes (chronic disease, chronic medication) or from external causes (exogenous Heat pathogen, dry/hot environment). This formula is effective for both conditions. Common conditions for which Bai He Gu Jin Tang may be used in veterinary medicine include: acute and chronic bronchitis from a variety of causes including aging, recovery from pneumonia/heartworm disease/kennel cough, chronic drug therapy, asthma, upper respiratory tract infection, spontaneous pneumothorax and cancer of the nose and lungs. In China, herbal medicine is commonly used to treat lung cancer in humans with Bai He Gu Jin Tang as one of the most commonly used herbal formulas. The mechanism of anti-neoplastic activity was investigated with positive results drawing the conclusion that the herbal formula inhibits lung cancer growth and represents a potential integrative treatment for lung cancer. Human clinical trials have also demonstrated the utility of the herbal formula (90% effective) for patients with chronic cough characterized by dryness and heat and successful treatment of pneumonia in humans when compared to conventional therapy.

Beebe S. Bai He Gu Jin Tang (lily bulb decoction to preserve the metal). A Chinese herbal medication for the metal element. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2023 18(1):63-67. https://doi.org/10.59565/NPXR3257

Bai He Gu Jin Tang (Lily Bulb Decoction to Preserve the Metal): A Chinese Herbal Medication for the Metal Element

Signe Beebe

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