Clinical records of a private referral veterinary hospital were reviewed for cases of dogs affected with reoccurrence of intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) after recovery from a previous IVDD episode. Six cases (3%) were identified that had experienced a reoccurrence of IVDD, with a spinal cord deficit of Grade 3 or higher rear limb non-ambulatory paralysis. All six patients were chondrodystrophic breeds consisting of four Dachshunds and two Pekingese. These patients had been treated with conventional Western medical therapy, including one dog with a history of two previous back surgeries. All animals had received or were receiving traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM) treatments which included acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and Tui-na before the IVDD reoccurrence. All 6 animals went from non-ambulatory to ambulatory by the end of treatment. Three of the animals were able to attain completely normal neurological function while 3 dogs had some residual mild ataxia (Grade 2) by the end of the study. This retrospective case review suggests benefit from the use of TCVM therapy for reoccurrence of IVDD even in animals with severe neurological deficits.
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Download Categories: 2018, Articles, Retrospective Studies
Download Tags: acupuncture, aqua-acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), traditional Chinese veterinary medicine
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