American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Neuroanatomic Structure and Function of Acupuncture Points around the Eye

Narda G. Robinson, DO, DVM, MS; Jessica Pederson; Ted Burghardt; L. Ray Whalen, DVM PhD


The locations of eight human periocular acupuncture points were transposed to the dog. Canine dissections exposed acupoint-nerve relationships that were compared to those previously identified in the human. Two comparative anatomical differences in periocular points include 1) lack of a complete bony orbit in the dog and absence of cranial nerve foramina, and 2) longer distance between the canine infraorbital foramen and ipsilateral eye than in the human, requiring a different location for ST 2. Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) actions assigned to each point were compared to the neurophysiologic results expected after stimulating these nerves. Nerve structure-function relationships of the periocular acupuncture points explain the theoretical TCVM descriptions of point actions. This finding emphasizes the relevance of ensuring that a transpositional point system is based on comparative neuroanatomical precision. Differences exist in periorbital bony anatomy between the dog and the human that call for a re-evaluation of the topographical anatomy of canine periocular acupuncture points.

Robinson N, Pederson J, Burghardt T, et al. Neuroanatomic structure and function of acupuncture points around the eye. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2007; 2(1):33-44

Neuroanatomic Structure and Function of Acupuncture Points around the Eye

Narda G. Robinson, DO, DVM, MS; Jessica Pederson; Ted Burghardt; L. Ray Whalen, DVM PhD

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