American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

Acupuncture for Cancer Treatment

Are Simeon Thoresen, DVM


A new acupuncture technique based on tumor location and using acupuncture of the controlling meridian (Ke or Ko cycle) is presented. The first case this technique was used on was mammary adenocarcinoma in a Dachshund with multiple tumors along the nipple line (Stomach meridian) and dyspnea probably from lung metastases. One acupoint, LIV-3, was treated (Liver meridian controls Stomach meridian). In a few weeks the tumors had almost completely disappeared. A case of equine sarcoid with good results is also presented using stimulation of the controlling meridian. Currently, the author has treated 500-600 animal and human patients with all types of cancer using the technique described in this paper.

Thoresen A. Acupuncture for cancer treatment. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2006; 1(1):53-59

Acupuncture for Cancer Treatment

Are Simeon Thoresen, DVM

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