American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Veterinary Acupuncture: Current Use, Trends and Opinions

Sharon Hunley DVM, Huisheng Xie DVM, PhD


The objective of this study was to assess the current use and opinions of acupuncture in colleges of veterinary medicine (CVM), private small/large animal clinics (USA) and interest among University of Florida veterinary students using a survey method. One or more clinicians from 23/27 accredited veterinary schools (USA) responded. There were 50/282 private practices and 96/360 students that responded. From CVM respondents, 26% of small animal departments and 33% of large animal departments provided acupuncture treatments. Private veterinary clinics indicated that 29% offered acupuncture. Responding small and large animal CVM clinicians providing acupuncture services reportedly treated 11.6±6.3 and 8.5±8.6 cases per week respectively. The private clinics providing acupuncture service treated 10.8±17.9 cases per week. The most common disorders treated by all groups were musculoskeletal problems. Large animal CVM clinicians were more interested in developing an acupuncture service and referred clients for acupuncture more than small animal clinicians. Large animal clients inquired about acupuncture more than small animal clients. Perceptions about community interest from all groups ranged from 3.5-5.1 (1 = no interest and 10 = great interest). Veterinary students that responded had an average interest in acupuncture of 7 (1= no interest and 10= great interest). Veterinary students that responded, 48% expressed some interest in acupuncture. The poor response from private practices and veterinary students make conclusions about these groups difficult. The use of acupuncture in one third of US accredited veterinary colleges is of interest as more acupuncture research may be forthcoming.

Hunley S, Xie H. Veterinary acupuncture: Current use, trends and opinions. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2011; 6(2):55-62

Veterinary Acupuncture: Current Use, Trends and Opinions

Sharon Hunley DVM, Huisheng Xie DVM, PhD

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