American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Use of TCVM Therapy in a Guinea Pig with an Abdominal Tumor

Margaret Fowler DVM


A geriatric female guinea pig was diagnosed with a rapidly growing abdominal tumor, weight loss, anorexia, diarrhea, and lethargy. The guinea pig responded well to TCVM therapy consisting of aqua-acupuncture and oral Nei Xiao Luo Li San (Max’s Formula). She gained weight and the tumor reduced in size by 40%. When the herbal formula was discontinued by the owner due to personal illness, the tumor rapidly enlarged again. After re-instituting TCVM therapy, the tumor once again decreased in size and remained stable, affording an already geriatric guinea pig with an additional year of a good quality life before dying without warning. This case clearly documents a positive cause and effect relationship between decreased tumor growth and TCVM therapy in a species where few cases of TCVM therapy have been reported.

Fowler M. Use of TCVM therapy in a guinea pig with an abdominal tumor. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2015; 10(2):81-83

Use of TCVM Therapy in a Guinea Pig with an Abdominal Tumor

Margaret Fowler DVM

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