American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Treatment of Urolithiasis in 33 Dogs and 13 Cats with a Novel Chinese Herbal Medicine

Jiu J Wen DVM, MS; Karen Johnston DVM


Between 2001-2009, 33 dogs and 13 cats were presented with radiographic or ultrasonographic findings consistent with urolithiasis. Urolith types was identified in 30% (14/46) of the animals and consisted of 57% (8/14) calcium oxalate, 36% (5/14) struvite and 7% (1/14) cysteine uroliths. All patients were administered a novel Chinese herbal medicine called CrystaClair, a proprietary blend of 16 ingredients, at a dose of 0.5 grams per 15 pounds and no other treatment. Abdominal radiographs to assess urolith number and size were obtained on presentation and repeated periodically during the treatment, until the uroliths had dissolved or treatment discontinued. Uroliths dissolved completely in 56.5% (26/46) of animals over a M+/-SD treatment time of 11.85+/-10.94 weeks (range 4-60 weeks). Uroliths resolved in 58% (19/33) of dogs and 54% (7/13) cats with CrystaClair treatment. Resolution was achieved in 88.5% (23/26) of the animals within 4 months and 73% (19/26) in 3 months or less. Calcium oxalate uroliths in 2 dogs had dissolved by 7 weeks and 20 weeks of treatment respectively. There was no resolution of the urolithiasis in 43.5% (20/46) of animals. Treatment times of animals that did not respond ranged from 6-56 weeks with a M+/-SD treatment time of 23.5+/-16.41 weeks. In the non-responding group, 12/20 animals were only treated for 4 months or less, which might have influenced the efficacy. The herbal supplement CrystaClair can be safe and effective to dissolve uroliths in dogs and cats and can provide an alternative to surgery and conventional medical and dietary management.

Wen J, Johnston K. Treatment of urolithiasis in 33 dogs and 13 cats with a novel Chinese herbal medicine. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2012; 7(2):39-45

Treatment of Urolithiasis in 33 Dogs and 13 Cats with a Novel Chinese Herbal Medicine

Jiu J Wen DVM, MS; Karen Johnston DVM

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