American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Treatment of Seizures with Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

Ronald B Koh DVM, MS


Seizure disorder or epilepsy is one of the most challenging neurological conditions affecting pets and represents a significant number of referrals to veterinary neurologists. To date, there is no cure nor ideal treatment for epilepsy. While antiepileptic drugs can be helpful in the control of seizure activity, they reduce the clinical signs but do not treat the cause. Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM), which includes acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, can be an excellent adjuvant to conventional therapy in epileptic animals, especially those with poorly controlled seizures. In mild cases, or after an initial seizure, it can be used alone to help prevent and minimize the occurrence of further seizures. In TCVM, pattern differentiation is important for the treatment strategy for seizures. This paper describes integrative medicine strategies such as dietary supplements as well as common TCVM Patterns associated with seizure activity in animals and describes appropriate selection of acupuncture points and Chinese herbal medicine.

Koh R. Treatment of seizures with traditional Chinese veterinary medicine. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2020; 15(1):67-74. https://doi.org/10.59565/FADJ7020

Treatment of Seizures with Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

Ronald B Koh DVM, MS

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