American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Treatment of “Fly-biting Seizures” with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in a Bichon Frise Dog

Ronald Koh DVM


An 8 year old, 8.1 kg male neutered Bichon Frise was presented for intermittent “fly-biting” seizures of four weeks duration. During the seizure, the dog would look up, snap his jaws, lick the air, bite the furniture and afterwards smack his lips. His tongue was pale and dry. His pulses were deep and weak, worse on the left side. The TCVM Pattern diagnosis was Liver Blood Deficiency leading to Internal Wind. The dog was treated with a combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. The general acupuncture points used to treat this dog were: GB-20, GV-20, BL-17, BL-18, BL- 19, LIV-3, GB-34, SP-10, KID-3, HT-7, Da-feng-men (on the dorsal midline of the head level with the cranial rim of the ear bases) and An-shen (caudal to the base of the ear halfway between GB-20 and TH-17). The Chinese herbal formulas prescribed were Bu Xue Xi Feng and Di Tan Tang. A significant decrease of the seizure frequency and severity was noted after the first acupuncture treatment. Without the use of anticonvulsants, the seizures completely resolved after six months, with no reported recurrence after 20 months. The purpose of this case report was to document the use of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine instead of anticonvulsant therapy as a treatment for “fly biting” seizures in dogs.

Koh R. Treatment of “fly-biting” seizures with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in a Bichon Frise dog. Am J Trad Chin Vet Met 2011; 6(1):61-66

Treatment of “Fly-biting Seizures” with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in a Bichon Frise Dog

Ronald Koh DVM

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