American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

Treatment of a dog with flea allergy dermatitis with the Chinese herbal formula External Wind

Lindsey A. Harris MA VetMB MRCVS


A one year old female mixed breed dog was treated successfully for chronic flea allergy dermatitis. On presentation the skin, especially of the upper body areas, was inflamed, pruritic and excoriated. The dog was treated with the Chinese herbal formula External Wind for one month, after which the inflammation resolved, the excoriated areas healed and the pruritus resolved. The condition was maintained without further treatment. This case provides an excellent example of the benefits of using Chinese medicine in cases where conventional treatment was unsuccessful.

Harris L. Treatment of a dog with flea allergy dermatitis with the Chinese herbal formula External Wind. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2008; 3(1):58-60

Treatment of a dog with flea allergy dermatitis with the Chinese herbal formula External Wind

Lindsey A. Harris MA VetMB MRCVS

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