American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Transcending Yin/Yang and Absorbing the Tao in Nature

Cheryl L. Chrisman DVM, MS, EdS


Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine practitioners know the importance of Yin/Yang balance and often treat Excesses and Deficiencies affecting this balance in their patients. They have also witnessed that once Yin/Yang is balanced, their patients begin an innate healing process “when opposing forces unite within, there comes a power abundant in its giving and unerring in its effect; flowing through everything” as Lao Tzu said. According to the Taoists, this power to heal and regenerate transcends Yin and Yang and is Tao. The Tao is the primordial energy that is present in all beings and nature. This article helps the TCVM practitioner through Shang-ch’ing Taoist techniques to absorb this energy into the human body to promote healing, regeneration and well-being.

Chrisman C. Transcending Yin/Yang and absorbing the Tao in nature. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2010; 5(2):87-89

Transcending Yin/Yang and Absorbing the Tao in Nature

Cheryl L. Chrisman DVM, MS, EdS

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