A 6-year-old poodle was presented with a one-year history of multiple gingival masses causing visible swelling of the face. Complete surgical resection of the masses was not possible due to the large number of gingival masses involving incisors, canines, premolars, and molars of the maxilla and mandible. Histopathology yielded a diagnosis of peripheral odontogenic fibromas (formerly known as fibromatous or ossifying epulis). These are benign, slow-growing tumors located on the gingiva that originate from the periodontal ligament. Although this tumor type does not readily metastasize, it can be locally extensive, damaging normal oral architecture and can recur following incomplete excision. Due to the extensive number of masses in the oral cavity of the present case, conventional medicine (i.e. surgery) was considered unlikely to be curative. The dog was presented for traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM) treatment to augment surgery and attempt to slow recurrence of the large number of oral tumors. Two TCVM modalities (moxibustion, Chinese herbal medicine) were selected for adjunct treatment. The Zhong-wan acupuncture point (CV-12) was treated daily with moxibustion for 6 months along with the administration of a tumor-suppressing Chinese herbal medicine, Ai Zhong Ping (San Huang Shuang Ding tablets) for 30 days. At the 6-month clinic recheck, there was no evidence of recurrence, however, at the 1-year follow-up oral examination, there was a single gingival mass (6 mm) between the first (201) and second maxillary incisors (202). The owner did not pursue further treatment, as the dog was doing well.
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