American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Therapeutic Effects of Yin Chen Hu Gan San (Capillaris Hepatoprotective Powder) for Acute Parenchymatous Hepatitis of Horses

Xubin Wei MS, DVM; Songhua Hu BS, DVM, MS, PhD; Haiqing Shen PhD; Bendong Fu PhD


The objective of this study was to compare the therapeutic effects of Yin Chen Hu Gan San (Capillaris Hepatoprotective Powder) with the current standard treatment (Glucurolactone, glucose and vitamin B1) on physical examination findings and clinicopathologic parameters in horses diagnosed with non-infectious acute hepatitis. Twelve Chinese Mongolian working horses with hepatitis were given 320 gm/day of Yin Chen Hu Gan San dissolved in warm water orally for five days. Seven Chinese Mongolian working horses with hepatitis received the standard hepatitis treatment of oral 319 gms wheat bran mixed with 1 gm/day glucurolactone dissolved in warm water and intravenous glucose and B1 (5 days). Pre- and post-treatment physical examinations and clinicopathologic liver testing (serum icteric index, serum thymol turbidity, serum zinc sulfate turbidity, serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase activity and serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase activity) were performed for each group. After 5 days of treatment, the icterus in horses of both groups had resolved and liver test parameters had returned to the normal range. Horses in the glucurolactone group had residual weakness, reduced appetites and incomplete digestion as compared to those in the Yin Chen Hu Gan San group. Although liver test parameters had returned to normal range in both groups, mean values were significantly lower (P< 0.01) in the Yin Chen Hu Gan San group. It was concluded from this study that Yin Chen Hu Gan San was an effective treatment for acute non-infectious hepatitis and may be superior to the standard treatment of glucurolactone, glucose and vitamins.

Wei X, Hu S, Shen H, et al. Therapeutic effects of Yin Chen Hu Gan San (Capillaris Hepatoprotective Powder) for acute parenchymatous hepatitis in horses. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2010; 5(1):21-28

Therapeutic Effects of Yin Chen Hu Gan San (Capillaris Hepatoprotective Powder) for Acute Parenchymatous Hepatitis of Horses

Xubin Wei MS, DVM; Songhua Hu BS, DVM, MS, PhD; Haiqing Shen PhD; Bendong Fu PhD

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