American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

The Validity of Acupuncture in Veterinary Medicine

Huisheng Xie DVM, PhD; Lindsey Wedemeyer MA, VetMB, MRCVS


Acupuncture is becoming an increasingly popular treatment in veterinary medicine. Scientific validation of the effects and benefits of acupuncture is essential for acceptance by colleagues and clients and integration of acupuncture into conventional veterinary medicine. An ever-expanding body of evidence-based research supports acupuncture as a clinically useful modality and over 10,000 references to acupuncture can be found in the United States Library of Medicine search through PubMed. Prestigious organizations such as the World Health Organization have concluded that acupuncture is valuable in treating many human diseases. Imaging studies now validate acupuncture theories, and clinical studies demonstrate that acupuncture is an effective, safe treatment for many animal diseases. Acupuncture is currently taught at seven AVMA-accredited veterinary schools, with others planning to add it to their curriculum and many more employing clinical staff with certification or interest in acupuncture. The annual AVMA Convention and other national and international meetings frequently include lectures on acupuncture. The Recovery Act of 2009 provided $31 million to complementary medicine research, including acupuncture, showing the importance of acupuncture research to the National Institutes of Health. Veterinary acupuncture training is restricted to veterinarians, involving over 130 classroom hours and rigorous examinations to become a certified veterinary acupuncturist. The American Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine was launched in 2006 to publish scientific, evidence-based research on acupuncture. Although further research is needed for some disorders, the scientifically-proven efficacy for other disorders, low incidence of adverse effects and comparatively low cost combine to validate its place in current veterinary practice.

Xie H, Wedemeyer L. The validity of acupuncture in veterinary medicine. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2012; 7(1):35-43

The Validity of Acupuncture in Veterinary Medicine

Huisheng Xie DVM, PhD; Lindsey Wedemeyer MA, VetMB, MRCVS

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