American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


The Need for Consistency and Comparability of Transpositional Acupuncture Points across Species

Narda G. Robinson DO, DVM, MS, DABMA, FAAMA


The correct localization of acupuncture points is important to provide effective treatment in animals. Two systems currently exist in veterinary acupuncture: 1) the Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) or classical set of acupuncture points and 2) the transpositional points. The classical/TCVM acupoints arose in China long ago for many species. Transpositional points, on the other hand, are acupuncture points in animals which were “transposed” from the human to the non-human. Transpositional point atlases can be constructed for practically any veterinary species, after defining the key anatomical features of the human location that need to be found in the non-human. The degree of success of this transpositional system will depend on the presence or absence of comparable structures in the non-human and their capacity to deliver similar physiologic effects as in the human.

Robinson N. The need for consistency and comparability of transpositional acupuncture points across species. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2006; 1(1):14-21

The Need for Consistency and Comparability of Transpositional Acupuncture Points across Species

Narda G. Robinson DO, DVM, MS, DABMA, FAAMA

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