American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


The Diagnosis and Treatment of Four TCVM Patterns Related to Pancreatitis

Gregory Todd DVM


In conventional medicine the term pancreatitis refers to the specific condition of inflammation in the pancreas, a specific organ. In TCVM, a number of patterns of imbalance may result in a broader definition of pancreatitis which is associated with imbalances of the Spleen. Two acute patterns (Spleen Damp-Heat and Food Stagnation) and two chronic patterns (Liver Qi Stagnation and Spleen Qi Deficiency with Damp) are discussed. Treatment recommendations for Spleen Damp Heat are: acupuncture at GV-1/6/14, BL-18/19/20/21/25, LI-4/11, ST-25/36/44, LIV-3/13, GB-34, PC-6, SP-6/9, and Wei-jian and the Chinese herbal formula Yu Jin San. Treatment recommendations for Food Stagnation are: acupuncture at PC-6, BL-14/20/21, ST-25/36/37/44, CV-12/14, GB-34 and GV-1 and the Chinese herbal formula Bao He Wan. Treatment recommendations for Liver Qi Stagnation are: acupuncture at PC-6, HT-7, GB-34/41, ST-36, LIV-3, BL- 14/18/19/20/21, CV-12, and GV-1 and the Chinese herbal formula Liver Happy (modified from the classical Chinese herbal formula Chai Hu Shu Gan Wan). Treatment recommendations for Spleen Qi Deficiency with Damp are: acupuncture at SP-1/3/9, ST-36, GB-34, PC-6, BL-20/21/24, LIV-13, CV-4/6/12, GV-3/4 and Bai-hui and the Chinese herbal formula Shen Ling Bai Zhu San. Food Therapy recommendations are also reviewed for each pattern.

Todd G. The diagnosis and treatment of four TCVM patterns related to pancreatitis. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2010; 5(1):79-87

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Four TCVM Patterns Related to Pancreatitis

Gregory Todd DVM

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