American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


The Clinical Effectiveness and Application of Veterinary Acupuncture

Erol Güçlü Gülanber, Ass.Prof., DVM, Ph.D.


The effectiveness of acupuncture therapy for a variety of clinical problems in veterinary medicine was evaluated in 86 animals (62 dogs, 9 cats, 11 horses, 3 cows and 1sheep). Diseases were separated by systems and included: 37 musculoskeletal, 25 neurological, 4 internal medicine, 2 reproductive disorders, 6 emergency respiratory arrest cases and 12 cases of intra-operative analgesia. Following the prescribed number and frequency of acupuncture treatments, complete recovery was recorded in 20/37 musculoskeletal disorders, 11/25 neurological disorders, 3/4 internal medicine disorders, 2/2 reproductive disorders, and 4/6 cases of respiratory arrest. Good improvement without full recovery was reported in another 7 musculoskeletal disorders, 3 neurological disorders, and 1 internal medicine disorder. Acupuncture anesthesia
resulted in excellent analgesia in 1 dog and 1 sheep and good analgesia in 4 dogs, 1 cat, and 2 cows. The recommended number of treatments was not completed in 4 musculoskeletal cases and its use for anesthesia was not continued in 3 cases. There was no improvement in 3 musculoskeletal cases and 6 neurological cases and 2 respiratory arrest cases did not respond to treatment. The remaining cases had a minimal response to treatment. Acupuncture can be effective for many different clinical problems in veterinary medicine.

Gülanber E. The clinical effectiveness and application of veterinary acupuncture. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2008; 3(1):10-23

The Clinical Effectiveness and Application of Veterinary Acupuncture

Erol Güçlü Gülanber, Ass.Prof., DVM, Ph.D.

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