American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Sheng Mai San (Generate the Pulse)

Signe E Beebe DVM


Sheng Mai San is one of the most commonly used Chinese herbal formulas to treat cardiac disease in the dog and cat. An alternate name for this formula is Sheng Mai Yin Sheng Mai San. Sheng Mai San tonifies Qi, promotes Body Fluid secretion, astringes Yin and stops sweating. It treats deficiencies of Qi and Yin. It is often used in veterinary medicine to treat cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, arrhythmia, chronic cough and chronic bronchitis. In laboratory studies, the formula has demonstrated a marked effect on the cardiovascular system. Some of its effects include: a cardiotonic effect to increase the contractile force of heart tissues in rabbits; prevents arrhythmia in laboratory experiments in rats; increases blood perfusion to the coronary artery and peripheral parts of the body and reduces myocardial infarct size.

Beebe S. Sheng Mai San (generate the pulse). Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2015; 10(1):54

Sheng Mai San (Generate the Pulse)

Signe E Beebe DVM

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