American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Qi-gong for the TCVM Practitioner: Nurturing the Center

Bruce Ferguson DVM, MS


Two sets of Qi-gong exercises, one on breathing and one on activating the extraordinary vessels, have been presented in prior issues of the AJTCVM. This article looks at the central role of the Earth or Spleen/Stomach (gastrointestinal system) in maintaining health. Many humans suffer from various combinations of maldigestion, malabsorption, motility disorders, bloating, reflux, hyperphagia, inappetence and fatigue. All these problems arise, to some degree, from gastrointestinal or TCM Spleen/Stomach dysfunction. In this article, a simple Qi-gong exercise will be introduced which, when practiced for as few as 5 minutes each day, may reverse the pathological mechanisms responsible for a myriad of conventional gastrointestinal and TCM Spleen/Stomach disorders.

Ferguson B. Qi-gong for the TCVM practitioner: Nurturing the center. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2010; 5(1):95-98

Qi-gong for the TCVM Practitioner: Nurturing the Center

Bruce Ferguson DVM, MS

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