American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Book review: Marsden, S. Handbook for Veterinarians, Classical Formulas for Animals, Kan Herb Company, Scotts Valley, CA. 2006.

Bruce Ferguson, DVM, MS


NOTE: this item is a review of Dr. Marsden’s book, not the book itself.

The Handbook for Veterinarians, Classical Formulas for Animals is Dr. Steve Marsden’s compelling and educational treatise written for his line of Classical Formulas for Animals adapted and produced by the Kan Herb Company. This text is really a specific interpretation unique to Dr. Marsden. Dr. Marsden’s clarity of thought and passion for TCVM and veterinary herbalism is both beneficial and seductive. A review of the book is presented.


Book review: Marsden, S. Handbook for Veterinarians, Classical Formulas for Animals, Kan Herb Company, Scotts Valley, CA. 2006.

Bruce Ferguson, DVM, MS

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