American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Lameness in a 14 year old Warmblood Gelding

Carla W Pasteur DVM


Signalment: A 14 year old grey Warmblood dressage gelding Primary Compliant: Left pelvic limb lameness History: The patient was presented for a Grade I-II/V lameness of the left pelvic limb of six months duration. Initially, the lameness was mild and would only occur occasionally for a few strides, but had progressed and become more frequent and severe. In the dressage halfpass (a lateral movement of approximately 45 degrees with the horse flexed in the direction of travel), left pelvic limb Grade II/V lameness was observed. A conventional lameness examination and radiographs of the fetlock, hock, and stifle failed to identify any radiographic abnormalities. A scintigraphic evaluation was declined by the client. Since arriving at the current farm one year previously, he would often refuse to enter the arena and would initially stop and not move, but if pushed he would back up and try to leave. He had been competing at the Grand Prix level, but would occasionally refuse to piaffe (trot in place). He was a grey horse and although tolerant and quiet, he did not seek interaction.

Pasteur C. Lameness in a 14 year old warmblood gelding. Am J Trad Chin Vet Met 2011; 6(1):67-70

Lameness in a 14 year old Warmblood Gelding

Carla W Pasteur DVM

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