American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Integration of the Tao (Dao) into Veterinary Practice: One Veterinarian’s Journey

Allen M. Schoen DVM, MS, PhD (hon.)


When I was asked to write an article on how the philosophy and practice of the Tao (Dao) impacted my veterinary career, my initial response was a reserved yet enthusiastic “yes”. Upon pondering this invitation, memories of hundreds of moments in veterinary practice, when I made one choice versus another rushed through my “mindstream” like a pounding river running through a narrow gorge. Then I settled more deeply into the request, quieted my mind and experienced a deeper realization of the statement “The Way which can be spoken is not the eternal Way” (Lao Tse). I realized that in many ways this was a virtually impossible task as I appreciated even more that the Dao is beyond words. “Those who know it do not speak about it, those who speak about it do not know it”.

Schoen A. Integration of the Tao (Dao) into veterinary practice: One veterinarian’s journey. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2012; 7(1):77-80

Integration of the Tao (Dao) into Veterinary Practice: One Veterinarian’s Journey

Allen M. Schoen DVM, MS, PhD (hon.)

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