American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


How Phlegm, Blood Stagnation and Blood Stasis Differ

Carolina Ortiz-Umpierre, DVM


In TCVM, tumors, masses, and nodules are categorized as Phlegm, Blood Stagnation or Blood Stasis. The
immune system is categorized as Wei-Qi or Defense Qi. Cancer occurs due to an energetic imbalance and a
weakness in Wei-Qi. Phlegm is a secondary pathogen that is a pathological product of Zang-Fu organ dysfunction.
Phlegm usually results from a primary pathogen such as Heat or Cold. Excess Heat boils the body fluids, creating
Phlegm, while Cold obstructs the flow of fluids also causing Phlegm. Phlegm is a thick, sticky, damp, material
that manifests as masses or tumors. Blood Stagnation is a significant blockage of Blood and/or Qi that forms a
mass. Blood Stagnation can result from Qi Deficiency, Qi Stagnation, or Excess Cold. Severe and/or prolonged
Blood Stagnation can result in Blood Stasis, which forms a large painful mass. The pain is usually localized to
the area of the mass and can be quite severe in nature.

Ortiz-Umpierre, Carolina How Phlegm, Blood Stagnation and Blood Stasis Differ. Am J Trad Chin Med 2023; 18(1):76-76.

How Phlegm, Blood Stagnation and Blood Stasis Differ

Carolina Ortiz-Umpierre, DVM

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