American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Effectiveness of Aqua-acupuncture for Reducing Stress of Canine Patients in Veterinary Clinics

Heidi Mier DVM, MS-TCVM


The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) aqua-acupuncture (aqua-AP) for mitigating veterinary clinic visit stress in dogs. Twenty dogs with a history of stress behaviors at veterinary clinics were recruited and randomly assigned to either Control Group (sham aqua-AP) or Test Group (aqua-AP at GV-20 and bilateral An-shen). Only dogs with an elevated heart rate (HR) or exhibiting a positive stress behavior 10 minutes after arrival were included. The change (baseline to 15 and 30-minutes post-treatment) was compared between the 2 study groups for each stress measurement: HR, salivary cortisol and stress behavior score (average of panting, trembling, vocalizing, pacing, hiding, lip smacking). The study showed behavior score improvement at 15-min and 30-min post-treatment in both groups, however, improvement in the aqua-AP group was double that of the control dogs (61% vs 28% at 15 min, 50% vs 23% at 30 min, respectively). When considering only panting behavior, which dominated the behavioral score, the Test Group improvement when compared to Control Group at 15-min (46% vs 10% decrease, respectively) and 30-min (50% vs 23% decrease, respectively) demonstrated a statistically significant difference between the 2 study groups (p= 0.008 at 15 min and 0.004 at 30 min). In both groups, the study did not find significant changes in either HR or salivary cortisol concentration (SCC), although the HRs were reduced in both groups. This small pilot study suggests vitamin B12 aqua-acupuncture (GV-20, An-shen) could be useful for reducing canine visit stress at veterinary clinics.

Mier H. Effectiveness of aqua-acupuncture for reducing stress of canine patients in veterinary clinics. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2021; 16(1):41-50. DOI: 10.59565/001c.82230

Effectiveness of Aqua-acupuncture for Reducing Stress of Canine Patients in Veterinary Clinics

Heidi Mier DVM, MS-TCVM

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