American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Editorial Vol. 1

Cheryl L Chrisman DVM, MS, EdS, DACVIM Neurology; Huisheng Xie DVM, PhD


In order for TCVM to assume its proper place in veterinary medicine outside of China, practitioners and researchers have a responsibility to provide scientific evidence for the efficacy of these treatments to the English speaking veterinary community at-large. Thus the mission of the American Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (AJTCVM) is to provide veterinary practitioners, students, and researchers with the highest level of theoretical and clinical peer reviewed articles on veterinary acupuncture,
Chinese herbal therapy, Tui-na, and food therapy. In this way we hope to promote the generation and publication of evidence-based research on the efficacy of these modalities in veterinary medicine.

Chrisman C. Effectiveness of acupuncture and evidence based medicine. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2006; 1(1):1-2

Editorial Vol. 1

Cheryl L Chrisman DVM, MS, EdS, DACVIM Neurology; Huisheng Xie DVM, PhD

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