American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

Disconnection between Kidney and Heart: Xin Shen Bu Jiao

Prof. Kejia Zhang, DVM


If the Heart and Kidney fail to connect to each other, it is called Xin Shen Bu Jiao. Xin Shen Bu Jiao is a common clinical problem. Because of the disconnection between the Kidney and Heart, there is too much Fire/Heat in the Heart (the upper Jiao) and/or too much Cold in the Kidney (the lower Jiao).

Zhang K. Disconnection between Kidney and Heart: Xin Shen Bu Jiao. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2006; 1(1):62.

Disconnection between Kidney and Heart: Xin Shen Bu Jiao

Prof. Kejia Zhang, DVM

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