American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Comparison of the Efficacy of Conventional Medical Management of Canine Stifle Joint Pain with an Integrative Medical Approach

Jennifer M. Smallwood DVM, MS


An increasing number of veterinarians are offering acupuncture treatments as a pain management strategy for dogs with stifle joint related pain. The current study investigated the efficacy of an integrative medical approach by adding traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM) to conventional treatment protocols for canine joint pain. A total of 19 dogs meeting the inclusion criteria of at least 2 years of age and pain localized to one or both stifle joints were enrolled. Subjects were divided in a non-randomized manner into a Control Group (conventional medical treatment, n=7) and Test Group (TCVM + conventional treatment, n=12). The Control Group received pain relief medications along with rehabilitation exercises, whereas the Test Group received acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine prescriptions, in addition to their conventional treatments. Outcome measurements included a blinded assessment (computerized weight bearing stance analysis mat) and non-blinded assessments (lameness grading, goniometric measurements of affected stifle, thigh circumference). The study found that the Test Group had significant improvements after integrative treatment in each of the 7 measurements assessed (p<0.05), whereas the Control Group showed significant improvements of 2 measurements (overall lameness, stifle extension, p<0.05). Group comparisons demonstrated a statistically significant greater effect for walking and overall lameness in the Test Group. The results suggest that integrating the proposed TCVM treatment with conventional medical management can increase the efficacy of stifle joint pain relief in dogs. Future studies with randomization, blinding, and a larger sample size are warranted.

Smallwood J. Comparison of the efficacy of conventional medical management of canine stifle joint pain with an integrative medical approach. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2021; 16(1):31-40. DOI: 10.59565/001c.84319

Comparison of the Efficacy of Conventional Medical Management of Canine Stifle Joint Pain with an Integrative Medical Approach

Jennifer M. Smallwood DVM, MS

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