American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Comparison of the Effects of Electroacupuncture and Laser Acupuncture on Pain Relief and Joint Range of Motion in Dogs with Coxofemoral Degenerative Joint Disease

Pitchayanin Chomsiriwat DVM, MS; Aituan Ma DVM, PhD


A randomized two-group trial was designed to compare the effect of electro-acupuncture (EAP, N=16) and laser acupuncture (LAP, N=15), at hip points (BL-54, GB-29, and GB-30), on the overall clinical pain score and hip range of motion (ROM) angles (flexion and extension) in dogs with coxofemoral degenerative joint disease (DJD). Both groups were given weekly treatment for eight weeks. Results revealed: (1) the Canine Brief Pain Inventory (CBPI) score assessed by owners after an 8-week treatment course was significantly improved in both treatment groups (p=2.10×10-10 and 2.2×10-7 for EAP and LAP groups, respectively); (2) the mean improvement of the pain score in the EAP group was significantly greater than the LAP group (p=0.021); (3) in both groups, hip flexion and extension angles were increased after the treatments and (4) quality of life (QoL) as assessed by the owners (pre- and post-treatment) was markedly improved in both groups with EAP slightly better. As a conclusion, both EAP and LAP demonstrated statistically significant hip pain reduction, but EAP was more effective in reducing pain than LAP. Furthermore, the increases in ROM on both flexion and extension angles suggest that hip joints are more flexible after receiving either EAP or LAP treatment.

Chomsiriwat P, Ma A. Comparison of the effects of electro-acupuncture and laser acupuncture on pain relief and joint range of motion in dogs with coxofemoral degenerative joint disease. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2019; 14(1):11-20

Comparison of the Effects of Electroacupuncture and Laser Acupuncture on Pain Relief and Joint Range of Motion in Dogs with Coxofemoral Degenerative Joint Disease

Pitchayanin Chomsiriwat DVM, MS; Aituan Ma DVM, PhD

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