American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Clinical Management of Equine Recurrent Airway Obstruction with a Combination of Electroacupuncture and Chinese Herbal Therapy

Tangjitjaroen Weerapongse, DVM


A seven year Arabian gelding was diagnosed with lower airway inflammatory disease and recurrent airway obstruction
(RAO) 2 year prior to presentation. Despite temporary improvement of the clinical signs with nasal inhalation of
corticosteroids and bronchodilators, the RAO would relapse if the medications were reduced. The client feared deleterious
long term effects of the medication. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapy were initiated to reduce the need for
conventional medication. Acupuncture treatment was initiated using dry needles at Bai-hui, BL-26, BL-23 and GV-14.
Electroacupuncture was performed at CV-17, CV-22, LU-1, Ding-chuan, BL-13, Fei-men, GV-14, Fei-pan, and Fei-shu.
Two Chinese herbal formulas Lily Combination based on the classical formulation Bai He Gu Jin Tang and Breath Easer
based on the classical formulation Ge Jie San were intiated. Improvement was noted within 2 weeks. Bronchodilators and
nasal corticosteroids were discontinued after 6 weeks and the clinical signs were controlled with monthly acupuncture
treatments and daily herbal therapy.

Tangjitjaroen W. Clinical management of equine recurrent airway obstruction with a combination of electroacupuncture and Chinese herbal therapy. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2006; 1(1):39-42

Clinical Management of Equine Recurrent Airway Obstruction with a Combination of Electroacupuncture and Chinese Herbal Therapy

Tangjitjaroen Weerapongse, DVM

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