American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Chronic, Progressive, Unexplained Weight Loss in a 12 Month Old West Highland White Terrier

Bruce Ferguson, DVM, MS


Signalment: 12 month old male neutered 3.9 kg West Highland White Terrier. Primary complaint: Presented for chronic, progressive, unexplained weight loss of 4 months duration. West Highland White Terriers originate from the Western Highlands of Scotland and they are usually feisty dogs from 6-7 kgs of body weight. Upon presentation, the patient was subdued and an emaciated-looking ( 3.9 kg). The dog had been examined and had multiple diagnostic tests performed at his regular veterinarian’s office. When there was no discernible dysfunction found, the dog was referred to the University of Florida Veterinary Medical Center. After extensive tests were done a diagnosis of suspected carbohydrate intolerance was made and dietary trials were instituted with little change. At that point, the dog’s caretaker sought another opinion.

Ferguson B. Chronic progressive unexplained weight loss in a 12 month old West Highland White Terrier. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2007; 2(1):68-70

Chronic, Progressive, Unexplained Weight Loss in a 12 Month Old West Highland White Terrier

Bruce Ferguson, DVM, MS

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