American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Chronic Gingivitis in an Eight-year-old Domestic Short Haired Cat

Debra Voulgaris DVM, MA


Signalment: 8 year old, neutered female, domestic shorthaired cat. Primary Complaint and duration: Gingivitis of 6 months duration History: The cat was found abandoned at approximately 2 weeks of age. She was bottle-fed and has been cared for by her current caretakers since that time. As soon as she could walk, her gait appeared hypermetric. She rarely jumped, and would climb onto the couch, chairs or bed by pulling herself up with her front limbs. Her pelvic limbs and tail appeared slightly hyper-extended when walking, but her neurological signs never progressed. An in-utero panleukopenia virus infection causing cerebellar degeneration was suspected. Over the past year, she developed progressive lameness that appeared to involve the left front shoulder, scapula or elbow. The cat was spayed at 6 months of age and has lived in a multi-cat household for the past 7.5 years. Her diet had been dry organic chicken-based cat food for the past 2 years, but she preferred wet food.

Voulgaris D. Chronic gingivitis in an eight-year-old domestic short haired cat. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2011; 6(2):63-66

Chronic Gingivitis in an Eight-year-old Domestic Short Haired Cat

Debra Voulgaris DVM, MA

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