American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Bladder and Kidney Divergent Meridians: A Review and Clinical Applications

Huisheng Xie; Emily Mangan


The Jing Luo system circulates the body’s Qi and Blood, which nourishes all cells and balances Yin and Yang. This system is divided into the Jing Mai (Major Channels) and Luo Mai (Collaterals). The Jing Mai can be further divided into the 12 Regular Channels, their main associates, including the 12 Divergent Meridians, and the 8 Extraordinary Channels. These Divergent Channels are organized into 6 Zang-fu pairs as follows: Kidney-Bladder, Liver-Gallbladder, Spleen-Stomach, Heart-Small Intestine, Pericardium-Triple Heater, and Lung-Large Intestine. When clinical signs occur indicating disease in both the Yin and Yang organ pair, then treatment of the Divergent Meridians may be indicated. The Kidney-Bladder Zang-fu pair and the organization of their Divergent Meridians with clinical indications and case examples are reviewed.

Xie H, Mangan E. Bladder and Kidney Divergent Meridians: A review and clinical applications. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2023; 18(2):37-42. DOI: 10.59565/CCXV7679

Bladder and Kidney Divergent Meridians: A Review and Clinical Applications

Huisheng Xie; Emily Mangan

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