Balance Method is a special acupuncture modality derived from I-Ching acupuncture that dates back thousands of years and is the oldest teachings of Yin and Yang. This method of acupuncture uses distal acupoints (Five Shu-transporting/Command Points) on the 12 Channels. By applying a strategic selection process using these acupuncture points, the focus is placed on where the pain or disharmony is located and the Channel coursing through the affected area. The Channel pathology is then corrected by selection of distal points on a Channel that balances it and corrects the disharmony. The approaches to acupoint selection described in this paper include: 1) “Six Systems” approach and 2) I-Ching Ba Gua based on Yin and Yang configurations forming hexagrams. Although scientific knowledge and clinical experience using this ancient system of Channel diagnosis in veterinary medicine is relatively limited, it has numerous benefits to offer the clinician through its minimal needle use, strong stimulation and rapid clinical effects.
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Download Categories: 2020, Articles, Pearls from TCVM Practice
Download Tags: acupuncture, Ba Guas, Balance Method, canine, distal needle acupuncture, Dr. Richard Tan Balance System, equine, I-Ching
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