American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Balance Method Acupuncture Treatment for Gastrointestinal Disease in Animals

Antonio Alfaro DVM, MSc, MS-TCVM


In traditional Chinese veterinary medicine, the gastrointestinal (GI) system from mouth to anus belongs to the Earth Element. There are numerous TCVM Patterns that affect the harmonious balance of the Earth Zang-fu organs, Spleen and Stomach. As an adjunct to the use of TCVM Pattern differentiation based on the Eight Principles, Five Elements and Zang-fu organ relationships to treat Earth Element disorders, the author discusses how to use Balance Method acupuncture. The core of the Balance Method approach is the identification (Step 1) of the affected (sick) Channel, followed by selection of a Channel that balances the affected Channel (Step 2), and finally selection of the least number of distal acupoints in the balancing Channel(s) (Step 3) to generate equilibrium again. In addition to the 3-Step method of balancing Channel pathology, the concept of “Four Exceptional Meridians” and “Eight Plus One Extraordinary Points” to balance digestive disturbances with Balance Method acupuncture is introduced. Using Balance Method acupuncture to treat GI disease is a unique approach that increases the number of acupoint choices a veterinary practitioner can select from to solve simple or complicated GI diseases in animals.

Alfaro A. Balance method acupuncture treatment for gastrointestinal disease in animals. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2022; 17(2): 55-62. https://doi.org/10.59565/DGYT7245

Balance Method Acupuncture Treatment for Gastrointestinal Disease in Animals

Antonio Alfaro DVM, MSc, MS-TCVM

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