American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Ba Zhen Tang (Eight-Treasure Decoction)

Signe E Beebe DVM


Ba Zhen Tang (Eight-Treasure Decoction) is a tonic herbal formula that was originally designed to treat Qi and Blood deficiencies caused by excessive bleeding. Today, it is used for any condition with Qi and Blood deficiencies characterized by general weakness, lethargy, exercise intolerance, poor appetite, dry skin/nails/hair coat, dandruff, a pale tongue, and a thin, weak pulse. Dandruff, dry skin, nails and hair coat are signs of Blood deficiency. General weakness, lethargy, exercise intolerance and poor appetite are all signs of Qi deficiency. The original source of Ba Zhen Tang is from the Zheng Ti Lei Yao (Catalogued Essentials for Correcting the Body) by Bi Li-Zhai (Ji) in 1529. Ba Zhen Tang is one of the most commonly used Qi and Blood tonics in veterinary medicine for treatment of anemia and recovery from general illness and surgery. It is also an excellent general-purpose tonic for performance animals because it helps to replenish the deficiencies that occur from long-term intense athletic activity.

Beebe S. Ba Zhen Tang (Eight-Treasure Decoction). Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2018; 13(2):80-81

Ba Zhen Tang (Eight-Treasure Decoction)

Signe E Beebe DVM

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