American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


Anti-Abortive Effects of Bao Tai Wu You, Tai Shan Pan Shi and Bai Zhu San in a Murine Model

Xiuhui Zhong DVM, PhD; Yantao Zhao DVM, PhD


The objective of this study was to investigate the anti-abortive effects of 3 Chinese herbal medicines, Bao Tai Wu You, Tai Shan Pan Shi and Bai Zhu San, in an Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) murine model of abortion. Forty pregnant mice were randomly divided into 5 experimental groups (A-E) of 8 animals each. Groups A and B were negative and positive controls respectively, receiving 0.5 ml of distilled water orally, followed by 0.2 ml of phosphate buffered saline or LPS intravenously (IV) respectively. Groups C-E received 0.5 ml Bao Tai Wu You, Tai Shan Pan Shi or Bai Zhu San respectively orally and 0.2 ml LPS IV. Oral medications were administered for 7 days and IV injections were given once on day 7. On day 9, serum and uteri were collected. Abortion and reabsorption rates and cytokines, T cell immunochemistry and macrophage numbers were determined and compared. The abortion and reabsorption rates were significantly lower in Groups C-E compared to Group B. Uterine IL-10 and IL-4, supporting pregnancy, were significantly increased in Groups C-E, compared to Group B. Uterine IFN-γ, inhibiting pregnancy, were significantly lower in Groups C-E. Uterine CD4+ T cells were significantly lower and CD8+ T cells significantly higher in Groups C, D and E (supporting pregnancy) compared to Group B. Bao Tai Wu You, Tai Shan Pan Shi and Bai Zhu San have anti-abortive effects via alterations of uterine cytokines and T cells in mice and may be useful to prevent abortion in other species.

Zhong X, Zhao Y. Anti-abortive effects of Bao Tai Wu You, Tai Shan Pan Shi and Bai Zhu San in a murine model. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2013; 8(2):31-39

Anti-Abortive Effects of Bao Tai Wu You, Tai Shan Pan Shi and Bai Zhu San in a Murine Model

Xiuhui Zhong DVM, PhD; Yantao Zhao DVM, PhD

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