American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


An Integrated Approach to Chronic Recurrent Respiratory Infection and Stomatitis in a Burmese Python

Christine Eckermann-Ross, DVM


A 5-year-old male Burmese python presented for chronic, recurrent respiratory infections with an acute onset of stomatitis and skin lesions. The snake had been treated with various antibiotics intermittently for three years without complete resolution of the respiratory symptoms. Over-the–counter homeopathic remedies had also been used with no long-term effect. An integrated approach utilizing both conventional western medicine and traditional Chinese veterinary medicine was applied. Within two weeks after beginning acupuncture and herbal therapy a marked improvement was noted. All clinical symptoms had resolved after three months, with no reported recurrence after six months. This case demonstrates the potential of an integrated approach to chronic disease that has not been successfully treated with conventional medicine alone, as well as the value of traditional Chinese medicine in non-traditional pet species.

Eckermann-Ross C. An integrated approach to chronic recurrent respiratory infection and stomatitis in a Burmese python. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2008; 3(1):43-47

An Integrated Approach to Chronic Recurrent Respiratory Infection and Stomatitis in a Burmese Python

Christine Eckermann-Ross, DVM

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