American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine


A Cholelith in a 13 Year Old American Eskimo Dog

Carolina Medina, DVM


Signalment: A 13 year old, castrated male, American Eskimo dog Primary complaint: Cholelith History: This patient was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease 2 years prior to presentation and since then has been treated with Lysodren®. He had a chronic history of cool-seeking behavior, hyperactivity especially at night and excessive panting that was worse with exercise. The most recent finding was a 0.6 cm mineralized cholelith diagnosed via abdominal ultrasound. He was fed a commercial dry dog food (chicken and rice base). He had a ravenous appetite, normal thirst and occasional bouts of loose stool. He lived with another dog and he is the alpha-dog.

Medina C. A cholelith in a 13 year old American Eskimo Dog. Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2009; 4(2):78-80

A Cholelith in a 13 Year Old American Eskimo Dog

Carolina Medina, DVM

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